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Family Goals: 18 Summers to Travel

Buckingham Palace London Photo

Family Goals: 18 Summers

Family goals: “18 summers if you’re lucky…make each one count” …keeps replaying in my mind. Because my Mother-in-Law emphasized this when our daughter was born. And after raising 4 wonderful kids and assisting with all 13 grandchildren, she should know! So, this shouldn’t be hard for two travel-obsessed people like my husband and I. But with me staying at home, we lost my salary. And did I mention our daughter has severe, life threatening food allergies? But up for almost any challenge, especially a travel one. So, 18 summers here we come!

italian pizza dough recipe
Making Dinners can be both delicious and let you save money to travel

Family Goals: 18 Summers – Affording Travel

So, how do we travel so often and afford it?

No matter where you always wanted to travel, or how big your family/group is, you can make your travel dreams a reality! Really. Specifically, look very hard at your budget. Almost always there are some budget trimming possibilities. In fact, looking at our expenditures, I can control almost all of our food budget. And so that is what I did. Considering Americans spend on average, $3,800 per person eating out (US Bureau of Econ. Analysis, 2019 – and $1,600 per family thrown away annually), I knew we could save this money and travel. In short, I cook, we travel. Specifically, look at Dave Ramsey’s books on money. Or maybe sell unused items, get a part time job or barter. Maybe you have more money than time. In this case, let’s journey!

Family and Friends Travel Fun Photo
So much fun traveling with family and friends, South of France!

We Know Family Traveling

Our daughter took her first flight at only 3 months, her first international trip at 8 months. And our son is United Airlines premiere at only 16 years old. Not only can we show you how to travel, have fun memorable trips, reconnect with family or friends, we will help you save money and travel more safely too. Really. Because we show so many people how to travel easily, I started my own travel consulting company. And became a Top 50 contributor. So, if you’ve always wanted to see the world and just didn’t know where to begin, we show you how here on An Easy Journey’s blog. Subscribe! No matter where you dream of traveling, this trip to London will show you it is super simple. Also, the United Kingdom is a fantastic first family trip abroad.

This post on London is the third in a series. See 3 Days in Rome and Sardinia for our entire trip.

View of London Photo
Worth the climb to see these views of London, from St. Paul’s.

Trip Plan With Cost

Who, When, Where, How?

Who’s going? Our family: Cindi (me), husband Joe, teenage children Katie and Brandon

When? June and July

Where? Our trip started in Tuscany, 3 Days in Rome, a week on the Italian island of Sardinia and now London, baby! 😊

How and Costs? Flight from Olbia, Sardinia to London Gatwick, Easyjet flight, 4 people 320 €, includes seats and luggage. Kensington Express train – 4 tickets, total 44 £. Apartment rental VRBO. – 4 nights, 798 £ 2 bedroom flat. Trip Insurance (you need this, really) from World Nomads – $225.

Our return flight is London Heathrow to USA.

Time in London – 4 days (but stay longer if you can)

Sardinia Sea Photo
Only 2 hours from beautiful Italian Island of Sardinia to London

From Italy to London

Our time on the stunningly beautiful Italian island of Sardinia is far too short. Whenever we get the chance, we will return! Our Easyjet flight lands at London Gatwick airport. By the time we collect our luggage, the Gatwick Express train is departing. After a quick switch in Victoria Station, we head to High Street Kensington. So many super great locales to base yourself in London. Because of time, we are staying super central. Also, good locations: Mayfair, Covent Garden, Southbank and West End. For more tips on choosing a home rental, take a look at Vacation Safely. As we are very hungry, drop our bags at the flat and head to my favorite: the neighborhood pub!

Delicious British Pub food Photo
Always time for the pub! Yummy Fish and chips, Beef and Mushroom Pie

Will Travel for Food

Absolutely one of the best joys of traveling is trying local foods. Considering the reputation of English food being bland, we are thrilled to find this untrue. So delicious! Quickly devouring Fish and Chips, Beef and Mushroom pie and a few Camden Hells Lagers. Our daughter is 18 (“Family goals: 18 summers…”) and is able to order an alcoholic beverage at the pub. Not sure what to order, the very kind bartender shows her some good choices and she decides on a refreshing gin with grapefruit juice cocktail.

Now very full, we walk to the Whole Foods to pick up some groceries. Specifically, a key requirement for anyone with food allergies: being close to a market. And this grocery is unbelievable – has more than I expect and very artfully arranged!

St. Paul’s Cathedral, London UK Photo
London’s St. Paul’s Cathedral – where Princess Diana wed Prince Charles

Family Goals: 18 Summers

Morning arrives and we quickly make eggs, fresh fruit, yoghurt and of course lots of coffee. Our view is a lovely Victorian street and we already feel at home. As we walk over to St. Paul’s Cathedral, the character of London is so nice to see! As expected, lovely flowers everywhere – only matched by the number of pubs! I serious think a move here would be awesome. Our kids are marveling over the hat shops, porridge offerings (they look yummy!) and the iconic red London telephone booths. Because Katie has been to London before, she is a marvelous tour guide. And being a photographer, she stops often to capture every second. Our family goals: 18 summers mantra is for the kids to have these rewarding memories of being together. Talking, laughing and being silly. And if it happens to be in such a wonderful place as London (where they speak English!), that’s even better…

View from St. Paul’s Cathedral over London UK Photo
Worth the climb to see these views of London, from St. Paul’s

Things to Do in London with Kids – St. Paul’s Cathedral

The beautiful dome of St. Paul’s Cathedral reminds us of Michelangelo’s St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome and is stunning! Because we have pre-purchased a London Pass, we are quickly waved into this gorgeous Baroque church. Many Americans may remember this church from the wedding of Prince Charles to Lady Diana. But over 300 years old, St. Paul’s has a vast history. In fact, designed by Sir Christopher Wren in 1673, St. Paul’s is the final resting place of many of England’s heroes. Including Sir Winston Churchill and Lord Nelson, to name a few. Specifically, our kids want to climb the Dome. After only 259 steps, we reach the Whispering Gallery. Here you are able to speak quietly towards the circular walls and it can be heard on the opposite side. Yes, not the place to divulge state secrets! Onward we walk, to the Stone Gallery (378 steps they say but who’s counting? ). Further hike to the very top is the Golden Gallery (528 steps). Immediately obvious, the views are spectacular. A perfect place to take some family photos.

Family Goals: 18 Summers – Make Mealtimes Count

As we approach midday, all of us are again hungry. Because we are mindful of costs, a favorite place to eat especially with kids, is Pizza Express. Found all over London, the food is good and the prices match. Also, it is a fairly quick break. And that is great when we have so much to see and do! Especially appreciated, Pizza Express has more than just pizza. I choose a delicious salad along with a glass of cold prosecco. While Joe and the kids happily eat a variety of pizza. Especially good for people with food allergies, Pizza Express is top-notch. After lunch, a stop at a few stores and a walk thru Hyde and St. James Parks. Our Fitbit is super happy! This evening we are seeing Westminster Abbey with a stop at Borough Market for more deliciousness.

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London’s markets have scrumptious foods and drinks!

Always Time for the Pub

“Always time for the pub” – one of the first things we hear on arrival. And this is not an understatement. From our experience, every afternoon, people are spilling out of the pubs onto the sidewalk. So, when in London, do as a Londoner! Because we have teens, perfect time for them to do a few things on their own and for Joe and I to go on a date! We head to our corner pub and are greeted with warm smiles and cold beer. Already, feel part of the neighborhood as we are invited to tomorrow’s BBQ. London does feel like a big city but with smaller villages. Good thing it is only a short walk back to our flat! We are grateful that the weather is warm and brilliantly sunny. Back home, we all play Uno and relax, talking and laughing. Tomorrow is another exciting day in London!

Biking in London Photo
Biking around London is so much fun, at the London Eye

Things to Do in London with Kids – Bike

There are so many things to do in London with kids. As our son Brandon is an avid mountain biker, we use our London Passes to rent bicycles from The London Bicycle Tour Company. Especially fun in London as there are dedicated bike lanes (and bike traffic lights). Biking over to Buckingham Palace, we see the Changing of the Guard. In route, we stop by the London Eye and Parliament. No matter where we travel, try to do a bike tour or hire bikes. So much fun! Or when we are with my Mom or older people, the quad bikes are perfect. Like many cities, you see so much more by walking or biking. And kids find it very fun and adventurous.

Tea time treats Photo
Yum- afternoon tea in London!

Tea Time in London

As we finish biking, time for a culinary treat. As this is my first real London tea, I am excited! So many wonderful places to experience a traditional English tea. We chose The Wolseley. For about 30 pounds, you get choice of: oysters, tea sandwiches, soup, pate, trays of scones, pastries and unlimited pots of tea. Yum! Thoroughly enjoyable to taste little bites of both savories and sweets.

Tea time is fantastic. Not sure why this hasn’t become an American tradition too. Although next time in London, I plan on trying tea at The Goring, next to Buckingham Palace. And at Kensington Palace Pavilion. For anyone with food allergies, The Ritz was very accommodating with advance reservations. I see lots of tea’s in my future travels!

Churchill War Rooms, London Photo
So many secrets! Our family’s top pick in London: Churchill War Rooms

Things to Do in London with Kids – Churchill War Rooms

As Katie recently was in London, the Churchill War Rooms is her recommendation. For almost all ages, this is a must-see. Our travel tip here is try to pre-book the first or last time slots. This immensely popular site is well worth a few hours. Again, we used our London Pass, saving time and money. As this is the actual underground bunker/cabinet war rooms used by Prime Minister Winston Churchill and his advisors, during WW2, it is fascinating. In fact, on August 16, 1945, British officials turned off the lights and came above ground. Leaving everything exactly as it was throughout the war. There is Winston Churchill’s half-smoked cigars, pajamas and even 3 hidden rationed sugar cubes. The Cabinet War Rooms were mostly unknown and then forgotten until the late 1970’s when it was decided to restore and preserve this historic site. Since there is a lot to see here, I absolutely could see the Churchill War Rooms again!

Kensington Palace, London Photo
Looks like an afternoon in the English Countryside, Kensington Palace

Our Neighbors – Kensington Palace

On our way back to our flat, we stop at nearby Kensington Palace. Simply beautiful, the gardens of this stately royal residence feel more like the English countryside than the bustling city of London. Especially interesting for young ladies is Princess Diana’s lavish dress collection. Also, a good visit if you find yourself in London on a rainy day.

As well, there is Kensington Palace Pavilion and Tea Room on site and an outdoor Café. We saw other families bring blankets and a picnic to enjoy this beautiful Residence. Definitely a good location for children to kick a ball, throw a frisbee or go on the playground. The beauty of England is all around!

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Family goals: Join us for a pint!

Last Night in London

On our last night in London, we consider seeing a show, shopping at Harrods or just relaxing together. As it turns out, the kids decide to take the double-decker bus to Harrods and Joe and I linger at the pub a little while longer. As London is easy to travel around, the kids feel very independent going on their own. Travel skills are life skills really. And after almost 18 summers, they are both excellent navigators. Adept at figuring things out, we feel confident that they are soon ready to head off to University and independence.

Now back from shopping the kids want to play one last game of cards before backpacks get packed.

Family Goals: 18 Summers – Memories

Family Goals 18 summers make each count Photo
18 summers goes by too fast…memories of visiting family in Alps, Germany

Over the past 20 years, our family has traveled internationally every year as well as all over the USA. YOU CAN TOO! If you have kids, you need to start your Family Goals: 18 summers list. Whether it is camping, time at the lake, or road trip thru the American Southwest. It doesn’t matter the where so much as the time to be together, laughing, making memories…18 Summers go by super-fast. During this past year, especially grateful we did not wait until the kids were older, until we had more money or time…the time is now. Journey!

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Author, Travel Consultant & Founder.
Hi it's Cindi. My passion is traveling, cooking, writing and spending time with family and friends. I love to help others accomplish their travel dreams! Start your Journey!

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